Friday, August 1, 2008

My wonderful piece of flair says it all

Today I was chatting with a friend, and she said this line in reference to someone else. But I just really and truly loved it and she made me a little piece of flair. There are just so many people I want to give this little button to, it applies to so many - including of course myself (which is why I am in recovery and work the steps!). There is just such a stigma out there about not seeking help, because of not wanting to appear crazy or sick, or incapable of handling things on our own. But I wish everyone would get into therapy or recovery of some kind. The impact it makes is of course life changing, but it also impacts every relationship we have, every interaction we have, every decision. Unprocessed grief, anger, joy, anxiety, resentments, bitterness, misdirected rationalizations, and defenses, unrealistic expectations, dissapointment, the need for adrenaline, the need for drama, for drugs, for sex, for food (or lack thereof), our futile attempts at control - everything that colors our entire lives can be changed forever by seeking out an impartial observer.

When we try and do things on our own, when we try and work through things without that outside help, it is really only the furthering of our insanity because if we are trying to use our head to get through things - it is in our head that our problems originated!! Why would you rely on the person who made you sick in the first place to make you better?! Misplaced trust perhaps? I know trusting myself to try and figure things out is really just my sickness telling me I have it all under control and that I can fix it. But hello! This is the same brain that convinces me that I am not even sick (see my blog on the shadow side).

Basically, I am just advocating getting outside help for anything, just to have someone else to talk to and I am talking as much to myself as anyone who reads this. Spouses are great, but not impartial, family members - definitely not impartial, friends - they all want you to be happy and may not be the truth givers you need them to be. Hmm, I really didn't mean this to be a treatise on why I think everyone should seek outside help, but there it is. It's how I feel - "For &#$%'s sake, go to therapy" :)

1 comment:

Karyn said...

I feel so special... But in all seriousness the world would be a much better place if everyone went to therapy!!