Thursday, July 31, 2008

Clicking the Ignore Button

"I have plenty of common sense, I just choose to ignore it" - Calvin

Why do I identify with this statement so much? I read it and knew it was me to the core, and it was said by a made up 5 year old (but I adore Calvin and Hobbes though). My dad would always and forever be telling me to think before I act/speak. Well, let's just say I didn't learn that lesson until much much later in my life, and I really only learned it cause when I forgot to do so, it always bit me in the butt. I would go "ooooohhhhh, that's what my parents were talking about" It would of course be with stupid things like wiping something off of my razor - with my leg - which of course cut my leg. Or blurting out the first thing that came into my head - which has had many disastrous results over the years.

But that is stupid stuff, what happens when I ignore it about important stuff? And why in the world do I choose to ignore it? I really do live the definition of insanity sometimes "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" Maybe this time I can ignore what I know to be true, and still have things work out okay. Silly me, when will I learn? What if for the time being I want to ignore my common sense, and spin? What will happen then? Don't know, but is it bad to admit I am enjoying myself whilst ignoring it? Oopsies if it is! :)

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