Thursday, December 4, 2008

First Day Solo

Okay, so this is it, my first day on my own as a primary dispatcher. Deep breath. So, honestly, I am pretty freaked out. I had youth group pray not only for me, but for all of Scotts Valley last night. Now don’t get me wrong, I have had wonderful training by wonderful trainers, but there always comes that time when the training wheels are removed and it is time to ride solo. Always sketchy at first. I am just hoping that my first few scrapes and bruises aren’t the lasting type, and that I can keep my officers safe and headed home each night. That is my main concern, the rest is skill building, and I know I will make mistakes, I just don’t wanna. :) Everyone has reassured me that I will be “fine” and I actually have an amazing learning environment so that when I do make mistakes I receive far more positive reinforcement than negative, but that still doesn’t change the fact that I want to do well, not only for those who believe I am where I should be, and myself, but I really feel like this job was a gift from God, and so I want to treat it as such and do my best to kick a** at it. The thing I know I have to remember is that since God gave it to me, I don’t really see Him just taking right back, but just like you still study for a test you prayed for help on, I will still put in the effort to do well as a response to my gratitude.

But please, please, please don’t let me be a continuing member of the “Newbie Curse”

****Really Scotts Valley? I mean, really?****
I get in, first day flying solo, and I am settling in with my usual morning duties (tee hee, I said duties), and we get a call in complaining about a panhandler in front of Starbucks. Scotts Valley really doesn’t like panhandlers, despite the fact that they can technically be there, most people here believe that stuff only belongs in Santa Cruz. So of course we dispatch an officer out there, and my Sgt runs the guys info, and BAM!!! The guy has a warrant. My first ever, did I ever get one in training? No. But 45minutes into my first shift I get one. Well, fine. So that was handled. Then while the guys are out with that detail, a juvenile control detail comes up with a kid yelling and throwing crap and refusing to go to school. So then we have a juvenile in protective custody! All within the first hour of the day. Seriously, what the heck? Doesn’t everyone out there know, I am on the desk, let’s not make waves here people! Our unruly juvenile then decided to go to school, so our officers were nice enough to provide transportation – that’s a fun way to arrive at school – in the back of a cop car. Nothing says cool like a guy with a gun opening the door for you. Ha! Oh Scotts Valley, I know you aren’t as exciting and dangerous as places like Oakland, but I do love you for your silly charm. Although I have to say I really hate that you call 911 to report a lost purse. Other than those bursts of retardedness, I am sure we will get along just fine…hopefully…

1 comment:

Karyn said...

You're Shannon... you'll do great! The officers of Scotts Valley are lucky to have you my dear!